Day 117: Jumping Around from Refraction to Lenses

I got a little ahead of myself today, but I think it'll all work out okay in the end.

The question my guest blogger was so interested in was what would happen if you only had half a mirror. Would it still work as a mirror? Would you still get an image? I wanted them to see it in real life, but I know it works better with lenses.

So, after we got through some of the refraction homework, we went back into lab, to look at what happens when you cover parts of a lens. They were shocked. A great picture of before and after is shown above.

While we were in lab, we graphed 1/di vs. 1/do for a converging lens. This might have been too much. We hadn't even gone over all of refraction yet. But the graph was so nice, and we were already in lab, and it seemed to make sense at the time.

Hopefully we can make sense of all of it tomorrow. We'll see.